Legal notice

General information
The owner of this website is Consultora de Ingeniería, Medio Ambiente y Arquitectura, S.L., with NIF number B15952369 and with headquarters at Calle Bugallal Marchesi nº 12, 1º Dcha. 15.008 – A Coruña
Engineering, Environment and Architecture Consulting, S.L. It is an entity registered in the Commercial Registry of A Coruña Volume 2,912. General Section, Folio 82, sheet number C-34,353.
In order that the use of the website conforms to criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, Consultora de Ingeniería, Medio Ambiente y Arquitectura, S.L. informs the user that any suggestion, doubt or query about this Legal Notice or any other informative document on the website will be received and resolved by contacting Consultora de Ingeniería, Medio Ambiente y Arquitectura, S.L., through the email address: administracion
Intellectual property
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Engineering, Environment and Architecture Consulting, S.L. does not assume any responsibility for the links to other sites or web pages that, if applicable, could be included in it, since it does not have any type of control over them, so the user accesses the content and in the conditions of use that govern them.
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